Rav Menachem Pfeiffer and Rav Mendel Blachman explain that the תורה says ״בא״ and not ״לך״ because ה׳ was telling משה to come with Him to פרעה, not that he was just going to go alone. Rav Dovid Miller said a different פשט. He explained that ה׳ was saying that even when you go to the deepest טומאה I am with you. A different explanation: Rav Eliezer Ginsburg explains that בא is three, meaning the three מכות in this פרשה, so ה׳ was giving משה the ammunition to come to פרעה. Finally, the רל״ג explained that ב is two representing משה and אהרון, but the א is one representing that it all comes from ה׳. Also, א means אחדות, so we need אחדות to beat פרעה.
Two thoughts on Kiddush Hachodesh: First, Rav Dovid Miller explains that ה׳ appeared to משה inside the palace of פרעה because to save one Jew ה׳ will go even to the deepest places of טומאה, but when it came to giving the מצוה of קידוש החודש that had to be done in purity outside the city of עבודה זרה. Second, the ספורנו explains that the פסוק says החדש הזה לכם because now that we are not slaves the time is in our own hands to do מצוות and keep the תורה.
Some thoughts on מכת חושך: First, the תוספת ברכה explains that the reason why רש״י explains the reason only for מכת חשך is because by the other מכות פרעה could send messengers to see if it was happening in גושן, but here he wasn’t able to send anyone and since all the מכות were to teach פרעה that ה׳ is running the world, so רש״י needs to explain what פרעה learned from this מכה. Second, Rabbi Gluck explained the פסוק of ״ולא ראו איש את אחיו ולא קמו״ as teaching us that if Jews don’t look upon their fellow Jews favorably then they won’t rise up in the ladder of תורה ומצוות. The רל״ג explains that this פסוק is teaching us that the reason מכת חשך happened to the Egyptians is because they didn’t help each other. Third, why does the תורה say ״רעהו״ when saying that the Jews should ask for gold and silver from the Egyptians? The גר״א explains that in fact the Jews would borrow from their fellow Jews and that would bring down the ענין of חסד to the world and inspire the Egyptians to also do the same. Fourth, Rav Yirmiya Newman explains that the 4/5ths of the Jews who died during מכת חושך were also buried during מכת חושך so that the מצריים wouldn’t see that they were killed.
Some thoughts on מכת בכורות: . First, RavYirmiya Newman explains that the reason why the תורה tells us that פרעה got up and told us to leave is because most people who are told that the firstborns would die would daven and try to do something to stop it, but פרעה didn’t care about his people and he just went to sleep. Second, Rav Yeshayahu Horowitz says that the reason why the תורה tells us that no dogs barked is because right before this was מכת בכורות and in גושן no Jews died so there was no crying, and since there was no crying the dogs didn’t bark. Rav Simcha Goldstein explained that it teaches us that they didn’t make any noise because they didn’t have masters anymore because a lot of the Egyptians died, but the Jewish people always have ה׳ as their master.
Some thoughts on פרעה: First, Rabbi Gluck explains that the reason why the תורה repeats that פרעה got up at night and went to משה is because he had previously said that he would never see משה, so now since it was the night פרעה was saying that what he said before only applied during the day. The רל״ג explained that it says ״לילה״ again because פרעה was saying that משה and אהרון are full of shmutz. Second, the חתם סופר and Menachem Pruzansky explain that by פרעה afflicting בנ״י more and more ה׳ gave בנ״י that much more reward, which is why משה tells פרעה that it is because of you that we will bring זבחים ועולות. Third, Rav Moshe Shternbach explains that פרעה thought that the service of ה׳ was going to be hard so only the men should go, but משה responded that everyone, even women and children, are going to go because it is a חג, a simcha to do עבודת ה׳. Fourth, Rav Binyomin Jacobs says that the reason why פרעה says to “remove this death from me” only by מכת ארבה was because since the locusts didn’t come on שבת it showed that ה׳ runs the world.
Some thoughts on קרבן פסח: . First, the פנים יפות and Ari Hoch explain that the sheep that the Jews used for קרבן פסח was from the Egyptians, and even though the מצריים worshipped them, by giving them to the Jews they were מבטל it and it was permitted to be used as a קרבן. Second, Rav Moshe explains that the reason why the תורה tells us that משה and אהרון brought the קרבן פסח is because we might have thought that since the purpose of it wasאמונה in ה׳ and they already had אמונה then they didn’t need to do it, so therefore the תורה tells us that even so they still did it because there is no end to אמונה. Rav Moshe Shternbach explains that you might have thought that they did so much for כלל ישראל so they didn’t need to do this, so therefore it is teaching us that no matter how much one does for כלל ישראל they still need to do מצוות. Third, the פסוק says ״כל בן נכר לא יאכל בו״ and אונקלוס explains that this means someone who went off the דרך. The מגד יוסף explains that this is because they will just be thinking of the physical pleasure of eating the קרבן and not the spiritual purpose behind it.
Some thoughts on the message from various pesukim: First, the תורה first speaks about the son who is a תם, and not a חכם like in the הגדה, because Rav Moshe explains that when first accepting the תורה you have to be simple and accept it without any questions, and only later can you begin to be a חכם and question it. Second, the אור חיים explains that it says ״והגדת לבנך ביום ההוא״ even though מכת בכורות happened at night because ה׳ made it that it was bright as day. Rabbi Gluck explains that even though it was physically night, but since we finally felt the גאולה everything became as clear as day to us why we went through the slavery, which also explains why we eat the bitter מרור before the מצה of freedom. Third, the פסוק says למען תספר באזני בנך ובן בנך, that you need to tell your kids and grandkids all the miracles that ה׳ did for you. Why? Because when you tell them over these things then your אמונה will be strengthened. And the reason it needs to be באזני, in their ears, is because it needs to be in a way and a language that they understand. Fourth, the Kotzker Rebbe explains that the פסוק specifies that משה and אהרון also did the קרבן פסח to say that they did it the same way that בנ״י did it, and they weren’t considered any better than them. Fifth, Rav Binyomin Jacobs explains that the דרשה of ״ושמרתם את המצות״ teaches us that if you really know who you are doing מצוות for then. you would run to do them, so if you don’t have that זריזות then it must mean that there is something lacking.