Rav Moshe explains that even though we were introduced to אברהם and יצחק when they were being tested, we are introduced to יעקב when he is just learning, to show that even when one is not being tested he still needs to strive to grow.
The ספר דרש ועיון explains that ויגדל האיש וילך הלך וגדל עד כי גדל מאד means that יצחק worked hard and slowly for the money he earned and therefore was able to save and become wealthy. Another explanation: the רל״ג explains that the פסוק of ״ויגדל האיש וילך״ means that even though he grew in wealth, ויגדל האיש, he still remained humble and walked in his normal path.
The רל״ג says that יצחק had thought that עשו was doing תשובה, but once he found out that it was יעקב then he trembled because עשו was not doing תשובה. Similarly, Rav Shlomo Horowitz explains that the פסוק repeats קול קול יעקב and ידים ידי עשו because יצחק wanted that עשו and יעקב would be like יששכר and זבולון in that some of the קול, or תורה, of יעקב would be for עשו and some of the ידים, support, of עשו would be for יעקב.
The חוות יאיר says that עשו said to יעקב to give him the red lentils with the word נא, which usually means please, but here it means “raw” because עשו was telling יעקב that he lives in the present and needs things now.
The רל״ג explains that the פסוק of ״ויאהב יצחק את עשו כי ציד בפיו״ means that even though עשו did bad things יצחק still loved him because a parent always needs to love their children.
Rav Yerucham explains that רבקה is referred to as בת בתואל and אחות לבן because the greatest praise is that she grew up around such bad people and was still a צדקת.
Rav Aharon Kotler said that only עשו’s head rolled into מערת המכפלה because the תורה that he learned only stayed in his head, but he didn’t let it change his entire being.