Audio of Lavi on Bereishit: YUTorah Online and Bereishis (
The רל״ג explains that it says יום אחד because ה׳ is telling every Jew that we can bring light to the earth even in one day.
The Radziner says that the פסוק says ויהי ערב ויהי בוקר יום אחד and not יום ראשון because it is teaching us that it is all one unit, whether it is good or bad, it is all from ה׳.
Rabbi Gluck explains that יקוו המים למקום אחד means that we should give up our desires for the sake of ה׳.
The Alter of Slabodka explains that דרך ארץ is so important that even if it gives ammunition to apikorsim you still need מידות. He learns this from the רש״י that says that even though writing the word ״נעשה״ leaves room for apikrosim to say that many gods created the world, still ה׳ wrote it that way to teach us דרך ארץ and Hahem respected the Malachim.
Rabbi Baruch Newman says that the פסוק of ״אשר ברא אלקים לעשות״ means that it is now up to us to continue building the world that ה׳ created.
Rav Elyakim Getzel, the maggid in Brisk, says that we see the greatness of אדם because even though חוה brought sin/death to the world, אדם still praised her by calling her ״אם כל חי״.
The אבן עזרא says that ה׳ dressed Adam and Chavah. One would have thought that ה׳ would be angry at them after they sinned, so we see the greatness of ה׳ that they were still his children and dressed them even after they sinned.